SunHawk Farms

We grow: Flowers, Fruit,

Other Products
We are in: Hopland
Growing practice: Demeter Certified Biodynamic®
You can buy it: Online

SunHawk Farms is a small family-owned biodynamic farm located above Hopland in Mendocino County, California. John Schaeffer and Nantzy Hensley have lived and worked on the farm since 2001. Surrounding the farm is the wild and untouched forest; as the fertility, pest control, and water dynamics that a healthy forest needs to thrive lie within the forest’s ecosystem itself. Abundant with life, the farm breathes in the untamed forest that surrounds us and breathes out a unique vitality through the lavender, fruit and nut orchards, grapes olives, and vegetable gardens grown there.

What We Grow

Flowers: lavender, lavender oil, lavender hydrosol

Other products: olive oil

How We Grow

Demeter Certified Biodynamic® (certified by Demeter)

How to Buy

Retail Outlet: Ukiah Natural Foods Co-op


Property rental for private events, Volunteer opportunities, and Email list available.


F/V Animal Fair


Nye Ranch