Local Gardens & Gardening Groups
Community Gardens
Community gardens are a vibrant part of a food system, a place where people come together to grow food, share ideas, and strengthen community. Almost every area in the county has at least one. Some support people in need, others are educational. Check them out if you have not already.
Butler Cherry Ranch Project
A community orchard project, keeping the ideals of Butler Cherry Ranch alive in the community.
Ph: 463-2736
Wb: www.facebook.com/pages/category/Community/Butler-Community-Orchard-131008016914189
Caspar Community Garden
Located at the Caspar Community Center
Contact: Paul Garvin
Ph: 964-0769
The Gardens Project of NCO Community Action
NCO is the coordinating agency for The Gardens Network and facilitates the development and sustainability of community-supported gardens throughout Mendocino County. Check out the Green Xchange and our blog on our website.
Contact: Lucy Kramer (Project Coordinator)
Ph: 462-2596 x103
Wb: www.gardensproject.org
Mendocino County Jail Horticulture and Permaculture Program
Working with women inmates, the program grows organic vegetables for the jail and offers experience in gardening and permaculture practices.
Contact: Daniel Ryberg
Mendocino Community Garden
Mendocino Recreational Center
Ph: 937-3037
Noyo Food Forest Fort Bragg High School Learning Garden
Contact:Linda Pack
Ph: 964-0218
Wb: www.noyofoodforest.org
Plowshares Garden Project
This non-profit organization provides approximately 5000 meals per month to the Ukiah Valley community. The Garden Project supplies the kitchen and community dining room with produce.
Ph: 937-3671 or 463-1760
Ukiah Valley Willits Community Garden
This garden is located at the Willits Integrated Service Center, 221-D Lenore, and run by the Willits Action Group. It is an educational and demonstration garden, a place for community service. Surplus food goes to the needy.
Ph: 459-7054
Em: rsvp@theSighting.com
School Gardens
The following is a list of schools that have gardens. Their role is critical in teaching children about where food comes from, allowing them to connect the farm with their plate. Support them, volunteer in them; encourage all the schools in the county to have a garden.
Anderson Valley: Anderson Valley elementary, middle and high schools
Covelo: Round Valley elementary, middle and high schools
Fort Bragg: Redwood Elementary, Dana Gray Elementary, Fort Bragg High
Laytonville: Laytonville elementary, middle and high schools
Leggett: Leggett elementary, middle and high schools.
Mendocino: Mendocino Middle School, Community School.
Point Arena: Point Arena elementary and high schools
Potter Valley: Potter Valley High
Ukiah: Calpella, Redwood Valley, Frank Zeek, Nokomis, Grace Hudson, Hopland, South Valley, Ukiah High, Pomolita, Eagle Peak, Yokayo.
Willits: Blosser Lane, Brookside, Willits High, San Hedrin High, Sherwood
If you want help starting a school garden project, check out the Gardens Project at www.gardensproject.org.